BMFA InformationClub News

BMFA – Re-opening of Club flying sites

The BMFA sent this notice to all members via email on 26 March 2021. (My apologies for late publication – I was easily distracted.)

Dear BMFA Member

(Sent to all members)

Please find below the latest on the restrictions relating to the COVID-19 pandemic.


The regulations surrounding the easing of restrictions from Monday 29th March have been released.

Model flying club sites can reopen from Monday 29th March.

Where a club is operating in a COVID secure manner and has implemented the BMFA 6 Steps to COVID security guidance in full (see ) the gathering limits (Rule of 6) do NOT apply.

It is important to note that after conducting the required COVID risk assessment that a club may need to implement a restriction on numbers to enable the correct social distancing.

For model flying outside of the control of model flying clubs the gathering limits still apply.


Northern Ireland

From 1st April, model flying club sites can re-open; however, club houses and indoor facilities, with the exception of essential toilet facilities, must remain closed. Gathering limits of up to 10 people from not more than 2 households apply.

From 15th April up to 15 people can take part provided the club is operating in a COVID secure manner and has implemented the BMFA 6 Steps to Covid security guidance in full.
(see )




The ‘Stay-local’ rule will be lifted from Saturday 27th March and unrestricted travel within the Welsh borders will be permitted. Please note that non-essential travel into Wales is still not permitted for at least two further weeks.

Model flying club sites can be open. A maximum of 6 people from 2 households can take part in model flying activity.



Local outdoor informal recreation and sport is permitted. This can be in groups up to a maximum of 4 people from a maximum of 2 households. The Scottish government is aiming to lift all restrictions on journeys in mainland Scotland from 26th April.

Outdoor recreation can start and finish at a place in your local authority area (or up to 5 miles from its boundary).


Organised model flying activity, in groups of up to 15 people, can take place at club sites which are operating in a COVID secure manner and which is overseen by a COVID officer. See  (page 7)

Best Regards and Safe flying.